Zimbabwe Mission Update January 2025

Maternity Ward at Mbuma
The new maternity ward, paid for by donations from our friends in Holland, is complete and will be opened shortly. The ward will have 4 delivery beds, 2 Caesarean beds, 24 ante and post-natal beds, 3 incubators, 4 toilet areas and 3 shower areas. The larger ward replaces a smaller facility that was overcrowded and without adequate washing facilities.

Mr Keith Mpata, Divinity Student
Mr Keith Mpata was successful in obtaining his UK Visa in September and was able to begin his second-year studies with the Rev A MacColl in Dingwall. He is expected to return to Zimbabwe towards the end February 2025, DV. It is our prayerful desire that he might be richly blessed in his studies.

Food Shortage
The failed harvest of 2023 / 2024 and a similar prospect for the 2024 / 2025 harvest continues to be a cause for concern. The official designation given to the present situation is that of a Food Crisis. This means that there is a lack of food causing malnutrition and that families are having to deplete essential livelihood assets such as their cattle to get by. This is stage three of a five stage scale with stage five being classed as Catastrophe / Famine. If the harvest fails in this coming year, then the situation will only grow worse. If the harvest is successful, it will still not be until at least April or May 2025 before things improve on the ground. The areas in which our Mission work is based are among those affected and deaths associated with malnutrition have been reported in these areas.

With the help of our Dutch friends of the Mbuma Zending Committee we have endeavoured to meet the needs of our own people and the school children under our care in Zimbabwe. The Mbuma Zending Committee has already donated towards our relief efforts, and assured us of their willingness to give more if required. A total of about £43,400 has been sent out in the past year to assist in general or congregational food relief, including £16,800 from Jewish and Foreign Mission Fund and £9,494.80 left over from our appeal in 2019, both of which reflect contributions from our people, directly and through congregations.

The actual amounts of money needed and the way that it is used is managed by a Committee of Mission Staff based in Zimbabwe itself. They have sought to meet immediate needs with the provision of foodstuffs as well as providing seed and fertilizer for future planting. There is also a programme in our five Primary Schools where pupils are given a regular meal during the school day. Much prayer is required in view of the need of suitable conditions for a good harvest in early 2025.

Bible Distribution and Translation Work
6000 Ndebele Bibles have been received by the Presbytery for distribution in the coming months.

The Publications Committee of the Zimbabwe Presbytery has now translated the book of sermons by the Rev Donald Macfarlane on the “Love of God” into both Ndebele and Shona.

Thembiso Former Residents Trust
According to the annual Thembiso Development Plan for 2020, the JFMC agreed to the setting up of a Thembiso Former Residents Trust (TFRT) to support those in the process of leaving or who have already left the care and oversight of the Home. The main areas of support would provide: (a) A measured financial assistance (in terms of amount and duration) for educational fees, clothing, travel, housing (either renting or assistance with construction) (b) Help with getting to and from church services (c) Regular social contact (d) Home visitations (e) Opportunities to visit former “family” members at Thembiso, partake in reunions, day trips.
As regular contact with the Thembiso Former Residents is maintained year by year, and relationships are strengthened and renewed, the value of the TFRT is evident. The level of input required to support such young people becomes more obvious when their mental, emotional, and moral resilience is tested in the life experiences they meet with after they leave Thembiso. The majority of those that the TFRT stay connected with, are showing the desire to stay connected with one another and the Trust members, especially face-to-face contact, something which is to be encouraged. It is hoped that in 2025, the Lord willing, the work of the
Thembiso Trust will continue to be effective and increase in usefulness among those for whom it has been set up. Members of the TFRT are conscious that it is only Divine power from above that can break the bands of iron which bind our young in the kingdom of darkness. The prayers of the readers of this Magazine are craved, that the Most High would prosper His Word in their souls, to His glory.

People of the Mission—Jotham Sibanda

Who are you?

I’m Jotham Sibanda, 60 years old. I’m married and the father of three daughters. I grew up in Lutsha. By attending the Free Presbyterian primary school there, I became acquainted with the mission. On leaving secondary school, I trained as a teacher in Bulawayo and was subsequently taken on to teach the Ndebele language at a secondary school at Hwange. After fourteen years in that post, the Government appointed me to a programme to boost the quality of education at schools in the region. We looked into the causes of low achievement and sought to address them.


What brought you to live at Mbuma?

I came here to be a carer for my brother, who had cancer. He was admitted to hospital here in September last year. We agreed that I, as the eldest brother, would look after our sick brother while the third brother would be financially responsible for our three families. My sick brother was a patient here for months. The nurses deliver the medical care; it was up to me to help my brother with washing and toilet. He was recovering well after a while, but once he was able to start his chemotherapy, it all went downhill. We kept the full details from his children out of worry that they’d fail their exams if they knew. Once she’d sat her exams, his eldest daughter was able to go and see him. In the end, he passed away early this year. After the funeral, I came back here to pay off some of the hospital bill by way of volunteer work, which is why I’m still here.


How do you look back on recent months?

Of course, it wasn’t an easy time, especially not when I could see my brother’s life ebbing away. I am quite certain that this time has not been wasted. God has a sure purpose in everything that He does. I begged Him to allow my brother to heal, but the Lord had determined a different outcome. It is a consolation that everything that happens is in accordance with His holy will, and I rest in that knowledge. Besides, the Bible studies that we had during my long stay at Mbuma were highly valuable, giving us the opportunity to study the Word together and share our concerns. God deserves our service; He gives us so many blessings day by day.

Rev. Mwedzi

Mission Day address 2024

 Rev T Mwedzi

Ministers of the gospel here pressent, elders of the Church of Christ, deacons, leaders of different organisations here present, organisers of this occassion and Beloved Brethren in Christ; It is a great honour for me to adress you at this ocassion. I am much thankful to the most High for His mercy which we can witness this day, how he has given the wisdom, the strength and the permission to organise and partake at this ocassion. All I can say is, I have witnessed the wonder of the Lord. Had Christ not died and rose again, there would be no such gatherings as this. Had He not commissioned the preaching of the Gospel, there would be no such gathering as this, Had He not a people scattered throuought the world to be gathered together, there would not be such a gathering as this, and had he not granted the wisdom, strength and resourses, there would be no such a gathering as this. So we can all say; Glory be unto the Lord who makes all things possible even the gathering of Hos own people: That He would gather together in one the children of God that were scatterd abroad John 11:52

If the Lord will help me, I will try to adress you in a few words. Having been part of the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland since the young age of nine years, I can say I have experienced much of the work of Mbuma Zending in Zimbabwe. I got my first pair of trousers from a donation fascilitated by Mbuma Zending, Before that my school uniform was my church clothes. I received the first sound sermon in 1996 by a Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland Minister who managed through the help of Mbuma Zending, I got my first English Bible through the help of Mbuma Zending and this is just to mention a few.

You have probably heard much about the history of the work of Mbuma Zending in Zimbabwe through the Jewish and Foreighn Missions committee of the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland. This will leave me with a little to say concerning the current work being done. The Mission is spread five Provinces in Zimbabwe, Matabelaland North, Matabelaland South, Bulawayo, Midlands and Masvingo. Two provinces are Shona speaking and three are Ndebele speaking. The Mission runs a big Hospital in Matabelaland North and three clinics in the same province. It also runs five primary schools and one High School. The other handmaid to the gospel is an orphanage home in Bulawayo. In all these institutions, the gospel is preached and the Westminster starndards of worship are taught, these include the westminster shorter Catechism, Larger Catechism and the Westminster confession of Faith. This leaves all who pass through the institutions having benefited in body and in soul. It is due to the surport of our friends in Scotland and in the Netherlands that the Istitutions are able to offer high standard servises in a poor country like Zimbabwe. As a result our institutions are all overcrowded. Overcrowding in our hospital is not only due to poor services in other hospitals but also due to poor health practices and poverty. Very few people in Zimbabwe have routine medical check ups so they only come to hospital when they are seriously ill, Eating habits are also not monitored because of poverty and reluctannts to take careful health precautions. The HIV Virus which causes Aids is still affecting a number of people which destroys the body’s immune system, Unavailability of clean water has also caused a number of cholera cases, poor roads do cause accidents and adds to the number of patients, alcohole and drug abuse is also a health hazard causing mental health problems and different forms of Tuberculoses. Diabeties is also a common chronic disease in Zimbabwe. This has caused a lot of pressure in our Hospital. Clinics were installed to relieve the hospital of the pressure but more patients are comming from other provinces for better medical care. This is good for the gospel but we are limited by resources for both spiritual care and medical care. Expansion has proved difficult due to daily running costs. Our institutions are not selective in making admissions.

Our High School offers the best academic experience in the province and is one of the best in the Country. This is not the only reason why it is overcrowded. Its strictness on Christian standards have been an attracting factor for many parents. I heard one of the pupils calling it a beautiful jail with its walls made up of the Westminister’s shorter catechism. One parent asked me why we are not opening many such high schools and my answer to him was: We can only manage to open other high schools by the resourses which we have if we lower the standards. Maintaining standards needs much financial surport. We are again much thankful to our Friends in Scotland and in the Netherlands for the financial suorport which has enabled us to keep the starndards.

Explaining reformed doctrines at our institutions is our task and therefore Catechists have been employed at the Hospitals and one at a community school to teach reforemed doctrines. In Schools, Bible Knowlwdge teachers are employed because the national sylabus on religion does not treat Christianity as the only true religion and in the community, elders and Ministers distributes fliers. Our Catechists, Bible knowledge teachers and some elders are receiving some Bible Knowledge lessons via skype from Rev B Jardine. All these activities would be imposible without the help of our friends from Scotland and the Netherlands who provides the Funding. We are currently involved in the translation of Sermons by Rev H. Cathwright and by Rev D Macfalane. These are used by our elders who help open the doors in the absence of a Minister. Currently we are two Ministers supplying fouty six preaching stations. We also have three Home Missionaries who help us open the doors and take pastoral visits. These are taken out of the roll of elders to be full time employees of the Zimbabwe Presbytery. They travel on motor cycles visiting preaching stations, the sick, the backsliding and funerals. The use of translated sermons is of importants in that they guard against error. Translation work did not begin with the sermons, The Psalms in metre were translated into Xhosa, Ndebele and Shona. The confession of Faith was also translated into Ndebele and is currently being translated into Shona. A number of bible stories were translated. Most importantly was the translation of the Bible into Shona and Ndebele. Being part of the translation team, I got a close contact with the help of our friends in the Netherlands and in Scotland. We received all the financial needs for the projects which took almost twenty years in total. With a Dutch speaker amongst the translation team, we were able to compare our translation with the Dutch Bible and the English Bible and the products were of a high standard. The printing and distribution of the Bibles is made posible by our Friends here in the Netherlands and in Scotland. We distribute the Bibles throuought the country. Even in provinces where we have no preaching stations. We thank our Friends from The Trinitarian Bible Society and the Reformed Bible Society in the Netherlands for making this possible. We are yet to meet the requirements but we can say Hitherto the Lord has taken us.

I will speak a few words concerning the fruit from our institutions. That one soul which was lost and is found is precious in the sight of the Lord. For us its not one soul but many souls have been found through our institutions. By listening to the Psalm singing from our Thembiso Home for the orphans you would wonder. The Lord has allowed one who was left to die and made him or her an instrument for the praise of the Lord. The zeal in some of them in the gospel is commendable. Students leave John Tallach High School after their ordinary level exams or some after their advanced level examinations. It is so encouraging that some just leave the school but cannot leave the gospel. They came from non believing families but they have continued coming to church more zealous that the children who grew up in church with their parents. I can speak of a woman who was harmed by an elephany during a communion season at Mbuma. She was admited in hospital where she received medical attention and food for the soul and she was discharged from hospital but never discharged from Church.

I have spoken about the general operations of the Mission but I will speak in particular about my area of operation. This will give an overview of the operations of Ministers in our Church in Zimbabwe. My congregation has the second number of preaching station after Mbuma. I have eleven preaching stations and Mbuma has fourteen. However the stations for Mbuma are within a radius of less than fourty kilometres while my preaching stations are spread in a radius of 140Km. With no handmaid to the gospel in my area, I spend most of my time at the preaching station and in the homes of the brethren. My day on the Sabbath starts as early as 7:00 am driving to preaching stations. Services starts at 9:00am to allow me to have at most three sermons and at least two sermons in a day. Sabbath schools starts at 8:45 and are led by elders. During Mondays I receive from elders reports of those who are not well and did not attend services. The next thing is to visit them and pray with them. From Tuesday to Thursday I am occupied with prayer meetings which help me to meet all the stations within a month. On Friday I am occupied with translation work, Mission office work and communications with stakeholders like Bible societies and distribution organisation. Preparing sermons is normally done during the nights and on Saturdays. There are two Home Missionaries to help me and one Catechist. The Catechist is currently taking bible classes at a community school where he is in contact with 334 children from four years to thirteen years. We hope to extend his area to involve Bible lessons at a nutrition garden where we received a donation of a borehole from a friend in Scotland. We hope if we could have resourses to extend such gardens to all areas where we have preaching stations. The gardens are not only for church members but also for the community. We hope people will benefit spiritually and get food for the body. Having a serious famine in our country this year, we feel the projects would have been of much benefit had they started earlier. 393 people are in need of food assistance in my preaching station and around 2000 in all our preaching stations in Zimbabwe just speaking about those of the house of faith. We normally receive help of mealie meal from friends overseas during these dificult times but a garden would add to give a balanced nutrition.

My dear Friends, It is for Christ that you offer yourself to take responsibility in the prosperity of the gospel. The Lord can work with means or without means. It pleased Him to have some from such great distances whom he gave a heart of giving to His cause. Through Mbuma Zending as Christ’s means, many souls are saved. While we pray that the Lord grant you more and strengthen you in your giving, we plead with you, to pray for Zimbabwe, that the people of Zimbabwe will be able to support the gospel themselves. Zimbabwe is rich in natural resources but its people remain poor and we believe it is in his providence. I have observed some Missions in Zimbabwe, They have separated the hospitals and schools from the Church. Much support is given to the institutions and that became a temptation to the church which sought unscriptural ways of sustaining itself. We believe that it is the Kingdom of God and the righteousness of God that should be sought first, and all will be added unto us: Mathew 6:33. May the Lord preserve this unity among us. May He grant more to the giving hand, may he grant a thankful heart to the one receiving, May he open ways in which the receiving hand will one day be a giving Hand. May the Lord bless all our nations that we will live to glorify him.

Thank you.

Update on construction at Mbuma Mission Hospital

Plenty has been done in the last couple of months. Consignments of excavated clay soil exited the hospital gate; lorryfuls of sand came in. The clay was removed from site because it does not afford enough support to the foundations; it was replaced with locally available Kalahari sand, which allows much better drainage. Once the sand had been compacted, the foundations were installed on it. The floor is now in place, and all the doorframes and windowsills have been delivered, so we can get started on the walls.

We’re glad to have the foundations in place, especially now that we’ve entered monsoon season, when cloudbursts are a regular occurrence. This time of year is also a more pleasant temperature to work in; in November, the thermometer was pushing 40 degrees for days on end. The photos give you an impression of how the building works have been progressing. We would like to thank you warmly for your financial support, without which the project could not have been undertaken.


Casting the floor of the new pharmacy

Digging out and sealing the new sand channel

Laying the foundations of the maternity department

Fresh bricks delivered

General view of the building site

Construction and expansion at Mbuma Mission Hospital

Looking through the Mbuma budget, you may have come across items once or twice for the extension of Mbuma Mission Hospital. This article sets out what work is being undertaken.

The hospital has been too small for its considerable patient numbers for some years now. It is regularly so full up that patients have to be doubled up: one person on the bed and the other patient (sometimes with baby) on a mattress under the bed. This is now standard practice on the women’s ward and in the maternity department in particular, and it is obviously far from ideal. To improve the hospital and the quality of care, it has been desired for some time now to extend and renovate the hospital. In addition, the pharmacy needs to be extended for proper storage of materials and medicines.

Plan The plan is to extend the hospital in three departments:

1. Extension to the store and pharmacy (orange box): the store is far too small and the medicines have to be kept in various spaces around the hospital premises. A newly built pharmacy will allow central storage of all medicines.

2. Construction of a new maternity department (red box): a new wing will be built, housing the maternity patients. The building will contain delivery rooms, ante-natal and post-natal wards, sanitary facilities and a consultation room.

3. Renovation of the women’s ward (green box): what is currently the delivery and women’s ward is being extended, allowing this space to be used for women’s care, as this is the department with the most patients. Two one-woman rooms will also be built, allowing for isolation of patients or a greater degree of privacy.

Progress The contractor has already commenced works. The ground has been prepared for building and the foundations were expected to be complete during December (the time of writing of this article). As the soil is clay-heavy and many buildings in the locality are subject to subsidence, great attention has been paid to proper foundations, so that the buildings can remain in the service of the Mission for many years to come, if the Lord will.

The works are planned to be complete by summer 2024. It has been wonderful to see local people’s involvement in the construction and how they eagerly watched the digger and lorries arrive with the first building supplies. A highly competent constructor from Bulawayo is carrying out the project but, where possible, locals are engaged.

Stay up to date As you will appreciate, this is not a cheap project. It has been budgeted at 300,000 euros. If you would like to contribute financially, you can send money to the Stichting Mbuma Zending bank account with the explanatory note “Hospital extension”. Many thanks indeed for your gift!

We will be keeping you up to date on the progress of construction with updated photos at www.mbuma.nl. We hope and pray that all these efforts will promote the medical and spiritual work of the Mission here at Mbuma.

Sjoerd Janse

Encounter with a Witch-doctor* – Rev Aaron Ndebele

It was about October or November 1952 that a popular witch-doctor went to stay in the home of a local chief at Nkayi in the Shangani reserve. The woman claimed to have been sent by some great spirit in the Matopo hills to make rain, heal the sick and kill the witches and wizards in Chief Chukuro’s territory. Her arrival in the district was reported to the District Commissioner, who gave her permission to perform her work as an official herbalist who would treat some mild ailments among the population. In the witch-doctor’s mind, as well as in the peoples’, such a permit from the District Commissioner would cover her in her divinations, although the law of the land treated such actions as a crime punishable by law. Men, women and children from all walks of life consulted Shoko, as she used to be addressed – by the term which meant a goddess.

In December a headman from Zenka district, who also was an important right-hand man of the Chief, took the witch-doctor from Nkayi to Zenka so that the local people would make use of Shoko’s services. Huge crowds of men, women and children went to see Shoko at her home about three miles from Zenka Mission and about half a mile away from my then home. Every day people of the Zenka community took provisions to the witch-doctor such as beer, goats, hens and oxen. There was so much food in the headman’s home that the crowds who patronised the place were well fed.

Once, about the middle of January 1953, after I had attended a normal church service at Zenka, where the late Rev James Fraser preached, I was sitting in my house reading my Bible and meditating on what I had heard in church. The noise of the drums, which were being beaten at the party for Shoko, made it impossible for me to continue in my duty. The beating of the drums was accompanied by singing and dancing. The shrieks from the crowd of women, anything up to 500 strong, made the impressive festival a real challenge to Christianity.

At that period of my life I had just undergone a change in my soul, which made me value the claims of God’s Word and His law, including: “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy”. I believe the zeal for the law of God, which was being trampled at my door, made me go to the home where the noisy, godless party was.

On arriving in the home I went straight to the owner of the kraal and asked for his permission to see his great visitor, the Shoko. At first the man said, No, because the woman was very touchy and she would be offended if I would criticise her. But I insisted that I was indeed trying to help Shoko by telling her a few things, and he then reluctantly agreed to let me see her. On turning my eyes away from the headman I almost bumped into the Shoko, who asked me, in English, “What do you want?” I told her that I wanted to speak to her. She replied, “Nonsense”, and walked away into a hut reserved for her as her private residence. I followed her into the hut. She sat down on a mat with some women attendants.

I then began to deliver my message to her, which went along these lines: “Woman, this is the Lord’s Day, the day in which God, who made heaven and earth, rested after He had created all things and creatures in heaven and earth and in the seas, and that includes you and me, poor sinners. God commanded that this day shall be used only in the worship of God and in the enjoying of Him for ever, but you have taken all these crowds of men and women from the worship of God to the worship of a poor creature like yourself. You tell people to address you as God when you are only man. You are therefore guilty of breaking the Sabbath, and the First Commandment: “Thou shalt have no other gods before Me”. Thou shalt not bow to any graven image or any likeness of anything on earth or in heaven above. You are a messenger of Satan. You are doing his work; you are therefore guilty in the sight of God. Unless you repent of your sin you will die and go to hell.”

The woman replied that she also was a Christian, in the Methodist Church; at that time she had been sent by the great spirit in the Matopo hills to heal the sick and make rain for the people; that was not a bad thing to do. She continued to say that she prayed before she did any work in her practices. Also she said that the District Commissioner had given her permission to do her good work in the Nkayi district, and who was I to stop her from her work?

In reply to her defence I said that it did not matter where she got the permission to practise her witchcraft, the point I was making was that there is a God in heaven who is greater than all the kings of the earth and who has His laws, that must be obeyed by all human beings. Permits from the Chief, the District Commissioner, Governor, King or Queen do not give licence to any man to break God’s law. The poor woman, who was human after all, broke down and wept. In conclusion I said, “Shoko, you are invited to serve the Lord Jesus Christ, to worship Him who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords”, and speaking to the whole crowd I continued, “You men, women and children of Zenka, stop worshipping this woman and calling her a goddess. Worship the Lord Jesus, who invites you all to His church to worship Him.” The atmosphere in the whole home was very tense; women wept and men groaned. I left the place and walked back to my home and continued my duties after the Sabbath services which, in short, were reading, prayer and meditation.

Two days later all the men and some women were assembled at the headman’s home, and I was summoned to appear before the crowd to explain my Sabbath action. I went to the headman’s home, where I found an angry crowd, among whom some men suggested that I should be beaten up by the Chief’s order so as to take away my madness. I must say that at that stage I got really frightened. Some young men who appeared really strong said that they had been standing behind me and were ready to knock me down, to kick me, but they had just not got round to that kind of action. I was then called every name known among Africans in Zimbabwe to disgrace and really humiliate me.

The man who led the proceedings said that by the law I was guilty of: (1) breaking into a man’s home without permission and disturbing the peace in the home, in front of a multitude of spectators; (2) insulting the Chief and District Commissioner by defying their authority in permitting the woman to practise her craft; and (3) infringing the freedom of worship by enforcing my so-called Christian views on the Shoko when she also worshipped God in her own way.

In reply to the three charges I said that I was sorry if Mr Ncube, the local headman, felt that I was looking down upon him by my going to his home and speaking to his woman visitor. I stated that I thought he had permitted me to see Shoko. The second accusation, that I had defied the authority of the Chief and the District Commissioner, was a matter I was sorry about because the Word of God teaches us to honour our rulers. I thought they had misunderstood my point, which was: the law of God was of far greater importance than the laws of men. On the third count, that of interfering with Shoko’s worship of the spirit of the ancestors and my accusing her of worshipping Satan – for that I could not apologise, as my statement was a true description of her work.

Insults were then levelled at me, while the headman, who was crying with rage, was demanding an open challenge with me, with fists, in face of the spectators. I made it clear that if he would beat me, I would not retaliate. Judgement having been postponed a few times, in about March of that year the final decision was reached, in which I was told that the law required me to pay the woman whose craft I had seriously disturbed by my accusation, by giving her an ox.

I told the Sub-Chief, before whom the case had been brought, that I could not do that on principle. The Sub-Chief claimed that he was being kind to me and therefore he was reducing the fine from an ox to a heifer, to a goat, and then to a hen as the last chance granted to me before the witch-doctor would pronounce her curses upon me and my family. I was given some days to think about it.

In the interval some of my relatives came to me suggesting that they were prepared to give Shoko their beast instead, in order to avoid the imminent doom that was sure to befall me according to the witch-doctor’s threats. I told them that they would help me far better by leaving me alone. I must say that at that time I found my father to be a real strength to me when some of our people were criticising me for not behaving like the Apostle Paul, who became all things to all men. They were saying I should have gone to the home and taken worship – that is, reading, singing, prayer and then an address in which I could have brought in the evils of witchcraft. They insisted that my method was too militant. I must say that these criticisms quite disturbed me at the time, but the Word of God, which I hoped I was defending, gave me light – in that passage when the Lord Jesus found the Jews in the temple selling and buying and He overturned the tables and took a whip and drove men and beasts out saying, “My house is the house of prayer, but ye have made it a den of thieves”.

Although there was pressure from the devil, my own heart and men, I refused to pay the witch-doctor with a beast or money, but told the Chief’s assistant in the district that I was prepared to challenge the witch-doctor in the strength of the Lord God, and that he should therefore tell her to go and pronounce all her curses against me.

In April of the same year Shoko, the great witch doctor, was taken by ambulance to Nkayi District Hospital ill with pneumonia. The large sum of money she had gathered from the people in the district as fees for treatment given for various diseases was reputed to be some thousands of pounds. It would be understandable that she was able to make so much money within so short a time, about three or four months, if we consider that she claimed that she could raise the dead from their graves, give medicines to make people rich and medicines to make people immune from the witches’ curses or enchantments. Many heathens, and even some good people, were tempted to consult Shoko, who was thought to be expert in charms and witchcraft.

After medical treatment for pneumonia, Shoko seemed to have a complete breakdown of her health; she was in and out of Nkayi hospital until finally she died in the middle of June 1953. I must say I got a shock and could not understand the ruling of providence at that moment, but surely His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are past finding out.

(Taken from the March 2005 edition of the Free Presbyterian Magazine)

* This account has been transcribed from a tape-recorded account of this incident made by Mr Ndebele in the Stornoway manse about 20 years ago.